The secret to weight loss is :

95% What You Eat (Your Diet) and only 5% Exercise.

You Are What You Eat. Your Weight and Your Life is the Result of Your Habits.

This may seem like hyperbole, but your diet is the foundation behind not only your weight, but also your IQ, stress levels, risk of disease, physical performance, aging, and even willpower. That’s because it’s easier to cut 500 calories a day from your diet than it is to burn 500 extra calories through exercise. You’d have to walk or run about five miles a day for a week to lose one pound of fat !

To lose one pound by exercising, you need to burn approximately 3,500 calories. It can take days of moderate exercise to do this. A better strategy for weight loss involves a two-pronged approach: exercising and cutting calories.

In this ebook you will find:

  • Choosing a diet that’s right for your weight loss

  • The Power of Your Choice

  • Why Stress Causes People to Overeat

  • Steps to counter stress over eating

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