What is PVNS PVNS short for pigmented villonodular synovitis, is a disease in which the tissue lining the joints and tendons in your body (synovium)
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Bone cyst

What is a bone cyst Bone cyst is a fluid-filled hole that forms in bones. Bone cyst mainly affect children and teenagers. Bone cysts are
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Osteoid osteoma

What is osteoid osteoma Osteoid osteoma is a benign (noncancerous) bone tumor that usually develops in the long bones such as the femur (thighbone) and
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Pelvic fracture

Pelvic fracture
Pelvic fracture Pelvic fracture is a break in one or more bones of the pelvis. Pelvic fracture is uncommon accounting for only about 3% of
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What is ganglioglioma Ganglioglioma is a rare, usually low-grade and slow growing brain tumor that accounts for approximately 1-2% of all primary brain tumors in
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Colloid cyst

What is a colloid cyst The colloid cyst is a benign (non-cancerous) growth usually located in the third ventricle and at or near the foramen
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Health Jade