What does d aspartic acid do D-Aspartic acid is an non-essential amino acid that plays an important role in tuning testosterone production in the gonads
What is bismuth subsalicylate Bismuth subsalicylate is an antacid and anti-diarrhea medication that is used to treat diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, indigestion and upset stomach in adults
Oxymetazoline nasal spray Oxymetazoline is a a direct acting sympathomimetic vasoconstrictor that works by narrowing swollen blood vessels. Oxymetazoline works by narrowing the blood vessels in
What is overeating Overeating is a type of problematic eating patterns where you consume an unusually large amount of food ((Goldschmidt AB, Loth KA, MacLehose
What is in turkey that makes you sleepy Turkey and chicken has an essential amino acid call tryptophan that causes sleepiness. Tryptophan plays a role in
What is mineralocorticoid Mineralocorticoids are hormones produced in the adrenal cortex zona glomerulosa that include corticosterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone, and more importantly, aldosterone, that act on the kidney