
What is echolalia Echolalia is repeating the words or phrases of others, without necessarily understanding their meaning. Echolalia is a form of verbal imitation. Echolalia
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Baby teeth

baby teeth
What are baby teeth Babies are usually born with 20 baby teeth (also known as primary teeth, milk teeth or deciduous teeth). Baby teeth start
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Dissociative fugue

dissociative fugue
What is dissociative fugue Dissociative fugue is formerly called psychogenic fugue, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by amnesia coupled with sudden unexpected travel away from
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What is borborygmi Borborygmi is a rumbling or gurgling noise made by the movement of fluid and gas in the intestines. Borborygmi in the absence absence
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Deltoid muscle

deltoid muscle
What is the deltoid muscle The deltoid muscle is a large triangular shaped muscle associated with the human shoulder girdle, explicitly located in the proximal
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What is emetophobia Emetophobia is an intense, irrational fear of vomiting including fear of feeling nausea, seeing or hearing another person vomit, or seeing vomitus
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What is cataplexy Cataplexy is a sudden and uncontrollable muscle weakness or paralysis that comes on during the day and is often triggered by a
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What is myoglobinuria Myoglobinuria refers to an abnormal pathologic state in which there is an excessive amount of myoglobin is found in the urine, imparting
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