Vitamin B3

vitamin B3
Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 also known as Niacin, nicotinamide (pyridine-3-carboxamide), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), nicotinic acid (pyridine-3-carboxylic acid) or nicotinamide riboside is one of the water-soluble B vitamins
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Wernicke’s encephalopathy

Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Wernicke's encephalopathy Wernicke's encephalopathy is a life-threatening brain disease (encephalopathy) caused by acute thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency ((Sinha S, Kataria A, Kolla BP, Thusius N,
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Riboflavin deficiency

riboflavin deficiency
Riboflavin deficiency Riboflavin deficiency, also known as ariboflavinosis, is extremely rare in the United States because of fortification of many foods, including grains and cereals ((Riboflavin.
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Thiamine deficiency

Thiamine deficiency
Thiamine deficiency Thiamine deficiency, also called vitamin B1 deficiency, is a rare disorder that occurs if the recommended daily intake of vitamin B1 or thiamine
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Opioid use disorder

opioid use disorder
Opioid use disorder Opioid use disorder also known as opioid abuse and addiction, is a problematic pattern of opioid use that causes significant dependence, addiction, tolerance
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Vestibulocochlear nerve

Vestibulocochlear nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve or cranial nerve number 8 (CN VIII) carries sensory information (afferent nerves) for hearing and balance, and consists of two divisions:
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Ischial bursitis

Ischial bursitis Ischial bursitis also known as "ischiogluteal bursitis" or "weaver’s bottom," is a rare condition where the bursa that lies between the ischial tuberosity
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Wilson disease

Wilson disease Wilson disease also called hepatolenticular degeneration, is a rare inherited disorder (autosomal recessive disease) due to impaired biliary copper excretion that causes copper
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Health Jade