Rheumatoid nodules

rheumatoid nodules
What are rheumatoid nodules Rheumatoid nodules are firm, noticeable lumps that form underneath the skin of some rheumatoid arthritis patients. Rheumatoid nodules generally form on
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rhinovirus infection
What is rhinovirus Rhinovirus C, along with rhinoviruses A and B, is a leading cause of common colds. Rhinoviruses (rhin means "nose") can also cause
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Rheumatic fever

Rheumatic fever
What is rheumatic fever Rheumatic fever is a autoimmune inflammatory disease that affects many of the body's connective tissues especially those of the heart, joints,
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What is nephroptosis Nephroptosis (nephro = kidney; ptosis = falling) is also called floating kidney or wandering kidney, is an inferior displacement or dropping of
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Renal pelvis

renal pelvis
What is the renal pelvis Renal pelvis is a flat, funnel-shaped urine-carrying tube and it is simply the expanded superior part of the ureter. Branching extensions
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What is reticulocyte count Reticulocytes are newly produced, relatively immature red blood cells (RBCs). Reticulocytes are "young" red blood cells that are released by the
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Health Jade