
What are carotenoids Carotenoids are dark-colored dyes (pigments) found in plant foods that can turn into a form of vitamin A.  For example, the orange
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Cauda equina

cauda equina
What is cauda equina As spinal nerves branch from the spinal cord, they pass laterally to exit the vertebral canal through the intervertebral foramina between
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What is a carcinogen Carcinogen is any substance that causes cancer. Cancer is caused by changes in a cell’s DNA – its genetic “blueprint.” Some
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What is calcaneus Calcaneus or heel bone, is one of seven tarsal bones that forms the heel of the foot. The weight of the body
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What is calamine lotion Calamine lotion is an anti-itch medicine that works by causing a cooling sensation as it evaporates on your skin. Calamine also
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What is calcipotriene Calcipotriene also known as calcipotriol, is a vitamin-D derivative that is used to treat psoriasis (a skin disease in which red, scaly
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Cerebral edema

cerebral edema
What is cerebral edema Cerebral edema simply means swelling of the brain. Cerebral edema is a relatively common phenomenon with numerous causes. Cerebral edema can
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Health Jade